A Conversation for Jacques Bellot's 1586 Phrasebook: How to Speake English Perfectlye
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Recumbentman Posted 6 Days Ago
I'm reminded of Thomas Robinson's lute instruction book, 1603. He advertises his method by mocking the old school: "in older times they stroue (onelie) to haue a quick hand vpon the Lute, to runne hurrie hurrie, keeping a Catt in the gutter vpon the ground, now true then false, now vp now downe, with such painfull play, mocking, mowing, gripeing, grinning, sighing, supping, heauing, shouldring. labouring, and sweating, like cart Iades, without any skill in the world, or rule, or reason to play a lesson, or finger the Lute, or guide the bodie, or know any thing, that belongeth, either to skill or reason."
I like the allusion to a game I had never heard of, "keeping a Catt in the gutter vpon the ground"
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