A Conversation for Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Peer Review: A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Entry: Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House - A88045059
Author: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor - U1590784

I have finally done an entry on 'House'. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll get to more entries, promise. smiley - puff Just as soon as the Post and RL permit.

smiley - dragon

A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Thank you - much appreciated. I know of 'House' but only saw a few bits of it when it was first broadcast in the UK and didn't get into it - this is an excellent introduction smiley - ok

Sadly the House Wheelchair link is giving me 'page not found'...

Excellent choice of link to show off Hugh Laurie's "native dialect" - for me, Fry and Laurie are the quintessential Jeeves and Wooster smiley - magic

A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

Aha - found the problem with the link - try http://www.youtube.com/shorts/3Xua7jUsmMs

A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks, that works a charm! And I'm glad you liked the little introduction to the series. smiley - smiley

A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

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Post 6

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