A Conversation for Who will be hired right now

Peer Review: A87983761 - Who will be hired right now

Post 1


Entry: Who will be hired right now - A87983761
Author: Derek - U15005347

Who will be hired right now
The assertion that the crisis opens up new possibilities is not so far from reality. Following China, where e-commerce operators in recent months have received hundreds of percent of net profit. Online stores of products, building materials and household goods do not cope with the flow of orders, and companies that are directly involved in this business, that is, manufacturers and providers of logistics services, really need employees. The hit parade of the most sought-after specialists and managers is headed by sales directors with experience, digital marketing managers, IT developers and operational directors.

A87983761 - Who will be hired right now

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Hello Derek

Thanks for posting in Peer Review. This Entry is interesting, but perhaps a bit too topical for the h2g2 Guide so it would need some work to set it into context. The most worrying thing is that you have included a link to an essay writing service, so the Entry is likely to be hidden shortly for breaking h2g2's House Rules.

Do you and Lois U15005346 know each other? smiley - bigeyes

A87983761 - Who will be hired right now

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

The Entry has now been hidden by the Moderators.

A87983761 - Who will be hired right now

Post 4


Oh dear, well in that case I'd say let's give a week on the off-chance Derek returns and removes the offending link, but if we don't hear back by next Friday I'll propose Back to Entry.


A87983761 - Who will be hired right now

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Good plan - I'll second that

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