This is the Message Centre for The lost
Assam will do very nicely, thank you
The lost Posted Apr 26, 2018
Ummm it caused a little frustration yesterday, I can tell you
However I think I'm getting there.
What's happened to all the ACE's? Have they done away with them?
Assam will do very nicely, thank you
SashaQ - happysad Posted Apr 26, 2018
Ah, yes GuideML can be tricky, but you've found some nifty things so far
The ACEs are still around, but just in a different form - someone else may say hello soon, but in the meantime I think they send welcome e-mails just after people register
Anyway, I like GuideML as I do a lot over in Peer Review and the Edited Guide and I like Assam tea, too (my second favourite after Darjeeling)
See you around!
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Assam will do very nicely, thank you
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