A Conversation for The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Peer Review: A87875572 - The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Post 1


Entry: The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019 - A87875572
Author: Bluebottle - U43530

The final 2015-2019 entry*.


*Unless I start a new series, say, Sony Pictures Animation?

A87875572 - The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Ah smiley - eureka Sorry I missed this appearing in Peer Review on Boxing Day.

Perhaps the introductory paragraph could have a bit of a mention of what DreamWorks Animation is, just to set the scene. Seems to be something missing from the second paragraph, too - what is 'Also mentioned'?

Complicated about all the companies and who owns who these days... Fascinating link between DreamWorks and Illumination!

"the important underlying message that cannibalism doesn't create happiness " - smiley - snork

'Unrelenting' perfectly describes the sensation of reading the full name of the professor smiley - ok

What's 'a Chinese anti-trust investigation'?

The concluding paragraph sums the situation up well smiley - ok

A87875572 - The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Post 3


Thanks for reading this through. Good points there, I've rewritten the opening paragraph and made some tweaks to make everything clearer.


A87875572 - The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

Excellent smiley - ok

A87875572 - The Ultimate DreamWorks Animated Film Guide: 2015-2019

Post 5


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Post 7

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