A Conversation for UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Peer Review: A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Started conversation Apr 25, 2014
Entry: UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard - A87828295
Author: Pheroneous II - U186787
This is an expanded, corrected and better researched update of an entry written under my original nom-de-plume.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 25, 2014
Hi Pheroneous. Haven't seen you Atkins n a long time.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Apr 25, 2014
Just trying out a new keyboard with predictive text. Hence Atkins rather than about.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Posted Apr 26, 2014
Still plodding along, and looking in occasionally. I see you are keeping up the good work!
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Apr 28, 2014
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Posted Apr 28, 2014
Ciao bella Bel. Glad you enjoyed it.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 28, 2014
I like the title.
Did somebody say that John Ruskin was 'the greatest Victorian other than Victoria'? If so, ,maybe a footnote?
Or am I missing something?
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Posted Apr 29, 2014
In the ignorance of my bliss I had thought that the quote was from Lytton Strachey (who wrote "Eminent Victorians") but I can find no immediate trace, either via quotation reference books or Mr. Google. Ruskin was not included amongst his biographies. Having said that, it must come from somewhere - certainly not from my remaining grey cell alone. Thus you can either take away the quotation marks or just delete it altogether. I have, I am afraid, forgotten how to write in guideML. Apologies.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 29, 2014
Ah, I see. I wondered who'd said that.
If you take out the quotations, I'd suggest adding 'arguably', or similar.Because it's just remotely possible that some readers might not agree about John Ruskin.
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Posted Apr 29, 2014
Well, if they don't, they should!
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 30, 2014
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted May 18, 2014
Hello Pheroneous, I'm applying the update for you now, thanks for writing it
I will convert it to Guide Ml as I am applying the update and remove this from Peer Review for you
Would you like the title changing to "W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard" or to remain as WJ Linton - Engraver and Author?
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Pheroneous II Posted May 29, 2014
Thanks yours. Sorry for delay in reply, have been away. Please apply beard, if still available. Thanks lots. P
A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted May 29, 2014
Key: Complain about this post
Peer Review: A87828295 - UPDATE: W J Linton, Victorian Geezer, with beard
- 1: Pheroneous II (Apr 25, 2014)
- 2: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 25, 2014)
- 3: Gnomon - time to move on (Apr 25, 2014)
- 4: Pheroneous II (Apr 26, 2014)
- 5: aka Bel - A87832164 (Apr 28, 2014)
- 6: Pheroneous II (Apr 28, 2014)
- 7: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Apr 28, 2014)
- 8: Pheroneous II (Apr 29, 2014)
- 9: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Apr 29, 2014)
- 10: Pheroneous II (Apr 29, 2014)
- 11: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Apr 30, 2014)
- 12: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (May 18, 2014)
- 13: Pheroneous II (May 29, 2014)
- 14: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (May 29, 2014)
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