A Conversation for Entry Deleted

Alternative Writing Workshop: A87821193 - The Trojan War

Post 1

h2g2 Guide Editors

Entry: The Trojan War - A87821193
Author: Troy Warnick - U14999389

Submitted to the AWW on behalf of the author. This Entry is suitable for this forum, rather than Peer Review.

A87821193 - The Trojan War

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hi, and welcome. smiley - biggrin

We like mythology over here at the AWW. You might enjoy taking a look at Willem's versionf the Pnadora story: A87819222 Of course, willem, being one of resident artists, has given the tale his own visual boost. smiley - winkeye

Also, you might want to check out A87820194, the latest story by Bengal Tiger, from the Mahabharata. It's going to appear in next week's issue of the h2g2 Post, with an illustration.

Let's see what our AWW writers come up with for suggestions here. I think this one's breezy, but it left me wanting more. Maybe you'd like to throw in a bit more about the Trojan Horse, for those not in the know?

Maybe you'll inspire some artwork, too. smiley - smiley

A87821193 - The Trojan War

Post 3


It might be a little picky of me, but is there any point in keeping an entry in the Alternative Writing Workshop if it has been deleted and the author smiley - elvised over 3 years ago?

I'd like to propose Back to Entry.


A87821193 - The Trojan War

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

I'd like to second that.

This conversation will still exist in h2g2, but the Entry doesn't need to be in the AWW any more smiley - ok

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