This is the Message Centre for Ke7in

A Warm Welcome

Post 1

Researcher 14993127

Hello and welcome to h2g2, I'm your ACE - Assistant Community Editor. This is not an automated message, I'm a volunteer Researcher who helps to guide new Researchers through the labyrinth that is h2g2. smiley - biggrin

For a quick overview of h2g2, you could try taking the short tour via this link A42445226 - you can bookmark it for future reference smiley - book

You can spice up your own Intro Page by telling us a little about yourself and if you want some ideas on how and what to put on there then this may help. Click on this ---> A87679859 Its called 'Pimping Your Personal Space' smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

The Front Page is a good place to start as it contains links to the various forums and other information including links to the Editors announcement pages. This is where you'll see all the proposed changes and other upcoming events.

We welcome new writers to contribute to the Edited Guide and with that in mind a read of this will point you in the right direction. A77393154

Anytime you need to get back to your own page just click on 'My Space' and it will take you back to your own personal space. smiley - ok

If you have any questions/queries then please post them here. If I'm not around there are other Aces out and about who will be only too glad to help.

Whatever your interests just take your time and enjoy the site smiley - ok

Best Wishes.


A Warm Welcome

Post 2


Thank you for the quick but may have looked like I ignored it, reply.

I knew I would come back to this site, which is why I registered it, and pinned it to my toolbar. But I started a job for the first time since 2008 in may, and then essentially turned on, tuned out and dropped out for the summer.smiley - smiley


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