A Conversation for Early Cultures Monuments And Hill Forts

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87791430 - The Early Life of King Charles I

Post 1


Entry: The Early Life of King Charles I - A87791430
Author: bobstafford - U3151547

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A87791430 - The Early Life of King Charles I

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Bob, your spelling, punctuation and grammar is so bad that this is only barely English. You really need to read what you have written. Please, please, please try this exercise. Print out what you have written, and read it out loud to yourself. Make sure to read every word, exactly as you have written it.

Then read through it again with a red pen, marking the places that are particularly jarring. Now correct the entry, and post here to say you've done it.

Then we can start making suggestions for improvement.

A87791430 - The Early Life of King Charles I

Post 3


OKsmiley - blush

A87791430 - The Early Life of King Charles I

Post 4


I suffer from the problem of enjoying writing so much, I often rush to finish what I am writing at the moment in order to move onto the next thing I wish to write. I get the impression that this has perhaps happened here – in places it reads like hastily-written down notes rather than a fully developed idea.

I am guessing that this is the reason you have submitted this here.

I was surprised that Charles I wasn't mentioned until the 10th paragraph. Yes, you need to write about how his life was changed forever when his father inherited the throne. I'd probably write a short introductory paragraph to begin with and then write about the background, as otherwise readers might get confused about which monarch this entry is about.

Following that, yes, you need to tidy up what you have written so that it reads more like paragraphs than bullet points.


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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87791430 - The Early Life of King Charles I

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