A Conversation for How To Play The Ukulele (Basics)

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 41


Thanks to you too, and keep hammering on smiley - cheerup

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 42


ha cant do that yet smiley - laugh

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 43

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

How're you getting on with this Rossy? How can we encourage you?

smiley - cupcake? smiley - burger ? smiley - oj ?

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 44


get me out of college man and your right there smiley - winkeye

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 45


I tried to dissuade Rossy from pressing on with this in post 34, and I kinda suspect I may have succeeded. Maybe this is one to drop?

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 46

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Is there no hope for it? You're the expert here, so I rely on your judgement.

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 47


haha i can work on it, it will take some more time, but i am getting there, i have a feeling there may be a draft somewhere

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 48


Alas it appears that RossyTheWorm smiley - elvised!smiley - blue
I certainly hope not, as RossyTheWorm arrived, enthusiastically wrote articles on a variety of topics in quick succession, deservedly getting them into the Edited Guide. I enjoyed his writing style, but he doesn't seem to have posted since September.

Are you still around?


A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 49

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Is it possible for the Editors to tidy this up and finish it?

It seems too far along to shove into the Flea Market, or back to author.

I would prefer Rossy to come back, of course! smiley - smiley

lil x

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 50


I agree with Lil, I'm sure something could be made of this. I was tempted to pick it up and have a go straightaway, but there are few more-pressing things I need to do first.

Regarding Recumbentman's reservations as to whether it is worth carrying on with, I think a change of emphasis from 'How to Play a Ukelele' basics to more 'what the heck is a Ukelele?' might be profitable.

On that basis I'd like it to squat (temporarily) in FM.

Do I have a seconder?

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 51


'What the heck is a ukulele' is covered in A241057

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 52


Recumbentman is right!

Ho hum, so it's back to Entry then?

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 53

Gnomon - time to move on

It would be nice to have a "How to Play the Ukelele" entry, but this one didn't even attempt to tackle that subject.

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 54


I still think that there is a gem of an article here, not all of the content overlaps the earlier one. In RossyTheWorm's absence I'd be happier to see this in the <./>Writing-Fleamarket</.> than Back to Entry.
I'm not a Uke player and it would have to be rescued by someone who knows what they are talking about and use this as a basis for a 'How to play the Ukelele', which is what the title implies.


A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 55


There's the rub <BB< Who would be both qualified and willing to take it on? smiley - sadface

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 56


If we put it in the Flea Market, someone might surprise us and rescue it. Not necessarily now or even this year, but if it is in the Flea Market there is a chance it will be rescued, whereas if it returns to entry, it won't ever be. I think this has enough of what it takes to make it into the Flea Market.


A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 57


I play the ukulele (in a very basic sort of way). What kind of commitment/work are we talking about?

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 58

Gnomon - time to move on

I think you'd need to be good at drawing diagrams.

A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 59


If this entry was nominated to go to the Flea Market, you could, if you choose, do a Flea Market Rescue. Essentially this would involve you using this, RossyTheWorm's article on Ukeleles, as the basis for an entry on ukeleles that you write yourself. Using this entry as a starting point, you would copy/paste this entry into a new article (by going to TEST87758509), making sure that RossyTheWorm is credited.
From there have a read through of all that is said in this Peer Review thread, make any additions and changes that you think are necessary, leaving a notice on RossyTheWorm's homepage so that he knows what you are doing should he return to h2g2, and then submit your new, amended version to Peer Review where it would go through the Peer Review process as normal (just make sure you mention in the new Peer Review thread that it is a Flea Market rescue based on RossyTheWorm's entry).

At the moment as this article is not in the Flea Market you can't start the process yet, but I would imagine that the existence of someone who is considering rescuing this article would be a persuasive argument for this article to go to the Flea Market rather than Back to Entry.


A87758509 - Ukulele Basics

Post 60


h2g2 is not as I see it a suitable platform for a how-to-play Entry; other sites such as the one I mentioned in Post 39 have indispensable gizmos available to them, of the click-and-hear kind.


Even if we could incorporate those, it would be extreme hubris to try and improve on that page, as it is supremely well-designed and thought out by a very experienced teacher and performer. If I were to try and emulate it it would take me ages, and I'd end up with a more or less slavish copy.

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