A Conversation for Nails, their care and possible diseases

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 1

Card Lady, keeper of infinate towels, may be damp

Entry: Nails, their care and possible diseases - A87748140
Author: Card Lady, keeper of infinate towels, may be damp - U14996047

Hello everyone thought this was finished but was advised to pop it in here for some advice smiley - smiley

A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 2


This article definitely has the potential to be part of the Edited Guide, and you've mastered GuideML, so well donesmiley - ok
The article, at 721 words long, is perhaps a little short, but not terribly so. Are you able to perhaps include some more detail? You mention the 'Nail Bed' a few times, can you perhaps explain more what this is?

The other thing I can think of is to consider adding links to related articles - if you want help on how to do so, please do not hesitate to ask. Suggested articles are:
A223750 Toe Nails
A156502 Fingernails
A2622845 The French Manicure


A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Yes, I am very glad you've moved this Entry here - it needs a lot of fleshing out because although your intention is to explain the diseases of nails, it tends to read like a very repetitive list.

In the first section - how to care for your nails, there are lots more things to say, for instance explain what cuticle oil is, is there any point to buying and using it? What sort of hand lotion is the best sort? What sort of things damage your nails.

I think you could describe the better sort of nail file to buy, and why expensive ones are worth paying for. Emery boards are supposed to damage the environment - is this true? Why are glass nail files worth buying - or are they a total waste of money.

You talk about applying polish, but you omit how to remove it.

Should you buff your nails to make them shine?

A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 4

Card Lady, keeper of infinate towels, may be damp

Thanks smiley - biggrin I shall endevour to fullfill your wishes smiley - winkeye plus I feel less stressed here.

A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 5


Don't feel stressed smiley - zen

There's plenty of smiley - tea

I'll take a look at the medical stuff if you'd like and check it's all ok?


A doctor when not messing around on h2g2....

A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 6

Card Lady, keeper of infinate towels, may be damp

smiley - biggrin thnaking you muchly

A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 7


I'd like to propose Flea Market as Card Lady seems to have regrettably smiley - elvised.


A87748140 - Nails, their care and possible diseases

Post 8

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - biro Moved to Flea Market

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