A Conversation for Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Alternative Writing Workshop: A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 1


Entry: Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office - A87735649
Author: Happy Nerd - still disgruntled - U8584330

Mr Nerd and Asteroid Lil collaborated on the artwork that accompanies this entry.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is interesting, HN - and sad.

I am assuming that even though this is in the AWW, everything you wrote is purely factual?

Did you want us to publish it in smiley - thepost?

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 3


This is factual. It is also unfolding news. Unfolding all the way up until today 4:45 pm local, when a lock goes on the door.

I don't know where to submit it for publication, Dmitri. Can I leave that to you and one of the Guide Editors to sort out?

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

No, hon, you couldn't leave it to the Guide Editors to sort out, because all they can do is say, put it in Peer Review. They (we) don't have any other venues.

And I'm gathering you don't want to do that.

Tell you what, though: if you'd like it to appear in the Post, say so, and send us an email at postteamhg - at - gmail - dot - com with the pictures, this link, and ALL the usernumbers of everybody involved (vital, that).

Then we can get the story into the Post on the 23 January.

smiley - smiley

That's sad about the post office. smiley - sadface We never use our post office, because it's too hard to get to. We use the package store instead - he sells stamps, has post office boxes...in short, he is a post office without being a post office. We're back to the privatisation of mail. Ben Franklin should be rolling over in his grave.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 5


On it.

If you are accepting this for publication in The Post, could you please give me the A-number? I'm sending out postcards made of the artwork as mementos, and it would be cool if I could include the h2g2.com/A-number.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Sure I can. Once we've made the A-space, I'll send it back to you in the email. smiley - smiley

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 7


I'll wait until 1pm local for the A-number, then take the postcards/mementos over to the post office.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - yikes You mean, you wanted me to do this NOW?


I can make you an A-number. But the article won't be in smiley - thepost until 23 January. Which means nothing will be visible on that A-number except a swimming duck.

Do you want that?

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 9


It's kind of a tough call, I know. The idea was to get the postcards hand-cancelled today, before the post office was closed. Ideally there would be something there besides a duck at the end of the url, by the time the post cards arrive. Ideally we would still have a post office.

Maybe I should just send the postcards as is.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 10

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You probably should. We're still glad to have the story for smiley - thepost. smiley - smiley

You could link to your entry here.

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 11

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I suggest you link to this entry.

You can add the image like this:

(Since it's going into smiley - thepost, I have added it to the database.)

Good luck!

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 12


That works. smiley - smileysmiley - ta

A87735649 - Bad Deal for Ukiah's New Deal Post Office

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok

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