A Conversation for What are the options for the UK outside of the EU?

Fantastic picture!

Post 1


Thanks rosie smiley - cheers


Fantastic picture!

Post 2


Great article too.

smiley - ok

Fantastic picture!

Post 3


Exactly what I wanted to say: wonderful picture, which made me want to read the article on a very interesting subject I'd otherwise perceive as dry smiley - magic

Fantastic picture!

Post 4


Ah, my only complaint would be when you use 'we' meaning the British*, which I found a bit confusing at first (as in, "the EU might erect trade barriers if we lose"). Hmm, where was I when the Entry was in Peer Review, eh?

* The British? The UKnians? Is there a proper word?

Fantastic picture!

Post 5


...It was a pleasure Sprout! smiley - biggrin

smiley - artist

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