A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21

FF: Week Two

Post 41


Blimey, so they are. They do ave a new goalkeeper today though

FF: Week Two

Post 42


Liverpool 0-0 Swansea
Bolton 5-0 Stoke (K. DAVIES, Eagles, Klasnic)
Hull 0-2 West Ham (BALDOCK, Collison)
Sydney 3-2 Gold Coast (REES, MacAllister, Cazarine, Carle, Kisel)
Napoli P-P Juventus (postponed as Naples is flooded)

Weekly totals:

Trout Montague: 10
Ferretbadger: 6
Demon Drawer: 5
McKay the Disorganised: 5
Mu Beta: 5
Yakus: 4
Egon: 2
Otto Fisch: 2
Mr 603: 2
Alfredo Marquez: 2
Orcus: 1
Sprout: 0

Totals through two weeks (table on main page will be updated shortly):
Trout Montague: 14
Mu Beta: 11
McKay the Disorganised: 9
Sprout: 8
Orcus: 7
Otto Fisch: 7
Mr 603: 7
Egon: 6
Ferretbadger: 6
Alfredo Marquez: 5
Demon Drawer: 5
Yakus: 4

FF: Week Two

Post 43


Table on main page updated, pending any more errors anyone spots in my calculations

FF: Week Two

Post 44

Secretly Not Here Any More

I liked the bit when Leeds won.

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