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Journo 34 (Nov. Challenge)
Researcher 14993127 Started conversation Nov 20, 2011
Just a short one today. I went offline yesterday and closed the pc down as normal and got some lunch. At teatime, just after 5pm, I turned the pc on and was met with the dreaded BSOD.
A quick check showed that the hard-drive had basically crashed big style and rendered useless. A quick trip to a friends place produced a replacement HD which was duly installed. Then began the long and wearisome process of re-installing the OS, along with over a 125 updates not to mention having to re-install some programs. As I don't save stuff of importance to the HD I'd lost nothing of value as such. It'll probably take the rest of today to get it fully up and running again and as the laptop is suffering it'll mean I won't be online much today.
*ignores the cheering from the few*
Journo 34 (Nov. Challenge)
Deb Posted Nov 20, 2011
This reminded me I haven't backed up for a month. As I don't have time right now I've just emailed myself the files I've updated since the last backup.
Thanks for the timely reminder!
Journo 34 (Nov. Challenge)
scorp Posted Nov 22, 2011
I usually back up to an external hard drive; which was useful a couple of weeks ago when the system went belly up and I was able to put it all back ok.
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Journo 34 (Nov. Challenge)
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