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Journo 29 (Nov. Challenge)
Researcher 14993127 Started conversation Nov 15, 2011
Well, chill pill taken. Actually, not quite true, the pills I take actually mean I get to live for at least another 24 hours.
This is what I take daily:-
Aspirin e/c coated 75mg 1 a day
Imdur (slow release) 120mg 1 a day
nicorandil 10mg 2 a day
nicorandil 20mg 2 a day (60mg in total)
Atenolol 50mg 1 a day
Folic Acid 5mg 1 a day
Statin 40mg 1 at night
Mirtazapine 45mg 1 at night
GTN Spray as req. (used to stop angina attack)
Co-Codamol 30/500 as req
Add to this B12 jabs every 3 mths.
It can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours for the initial doses to kick in and take effect. Thats when I can decide on what activities I'm able to do for the rest of the day. Bad days mean not a lot, very bad days means even less, bloody awful days mean nowt gets done.
You'll see from that that there are no good days. Thats because I don't have good days anymore. I'm due to have an angiogram on the 23rd in order to see how the stents are holding up. They were done 8 and 10 years ago respectively and as the life expectancy of such stents is 5 to 7 years then mine are overdue a check. If the cardiologist is happy with them after the test then I'll remain on the current meds indefinitely. If he thinks surgical intervention is called for I may have a by-pass. Either way, the issue is that there are so many smaller veins and arteries in and on the heart that are blocked/damaged that there is no magic bullet to resolve things. A by-pass will only ensure the main arteries are able to keep a consistent blood supply to the heart, how that blood then gets through and around the heart is frankly, pot luck. Thats why there is no cure, a transplant won't help. As the cardiologist put it, we don't put a new pump on old pipes.
Debilitating? Depressing? Yep. You're looking at someone who went mountaineering in summer and winter, who did physically active jobs from motor mechanic to PC Plod. Now can't do flights of stairs, can't walk 100yds without either breathing difficulty or chest pain or both.
I started this journal with the mention of a chill pill. Well, for me, in the past, my chill pill was to disappear into the mountains. In particular a couple of mountains in Scotland where I never climbed to the summit. I get to about 2 to 3,000 feet and stop. I sit, watch and wait. Then I see one of the best sights in the world. I watch Golden Eagles swooping, diving, soaring. Its a sight to behold. The grace, the elegance, a magnificent creature, well worth the effort in climbing to see such a beautiful creature in its natural habitat. That folks, was my chill pill.
Journo 29 (Nov. Challenge)
Effers;England. Posted Nov 15, 2011
Hey that's really interesting BMT..and must be very very tough.
And not to be able to do your chill pill.
I take meds to..but so many as you..and there are some things I can't do I really empathise with you. It really hurts doesn't it..
And its life and death with you to take that medication.
If you ever want to chat about it, let off steam or whatever, you are welcome to drop by my ps anytime.
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Journo 29 (Nov. Challenge)
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