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Post 1


Why does it seem that the majority of American superheroes fall disproportionately to be in New York?

Sure, Wolverine is from Canada and Captain Britain is supposed to hail from the UK, but it seems to me there ought to be more places.

For example, you could have a Captain Mexico or a Superhero from Iran or Turkey. There should be some Eastern European superheroes as well.

Hmm. ...


Post 2

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

It's about selling comics and name recognition. New York is possibly the most famous American city.

There is, of course, Avengers West Coast and the Great Lakes Avengers mostly hang around Milawaukeu.

It could be due to the creator. Stan Lee may have been more familiar with New York and thusly better able to write for that location.

It's also important to remember that both Batman's Gotham City and Superman's Metropolis are thinly vieled charicatures of New York.


Post 3


True. My mom tells me that alot of the publishers and perhaps many of the writer's would likely be located there as well.

Sheesh. Even the Ninja Turtles...
I mean, at least Washington DC gets to have Freakazoid. *shrug*


Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Like I said, the Great Lakes Avengers. The definitive superhero team for the Canadian border. Or something.


Post 5




Post 6

Lash LeRue

Just to throw in my own smiley - 2cents

We Irish have a superhero in the marvel universe. Yah. All I'll say is be careful what you wish for.

Guess, guess what her super power is? Anybody?

She is super... lucky!

And her name is.... Shamrock... we'll I suppose they don't get points for originality.

Oh wait I forgot the best part, eventually her luck runs out and she retires from the heroing business and becomes.... a hair dresser...

I've got nothing against hairdressers, in fact one of my mates is one, but I mean for a former super heroine, no matter how generically lame her power was, a hairdresser?


Post 7


That's true. I think... doesn't one of the SpiderWomen become like a lawyer or something though?
Well, somebody has to do all those 80s throwback perms, slickedbacks, styles and so on that the characters all seem to fashion/carry I suppose. Huh.

I'm thinking... maybe they should make an accident prone version of the Hulk, turn him blue... and call it "The Californian" or maybe orange. smiley - tongueincheek. "Feelings...upset. Excuse misbehaving." <- just don't quite ring the same as "Hulk Smash!" Cap. *puts hat down in remorse*
smiley - doh


Post 8

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I don't know about the spider-women but I know that she-hulk is a lawyer.

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