This is the Message Centre for Researcher 30982


Post 1

Bob the Dancing Monk

Well, actually you were here before me, but nonetheless, welcome to the Publishing House. Do tell more about this charity.


Post 2

Researcher 30982

The charity, well, it's called INF and it's based in Pokhara, Nepal. It has 5 projects involved in hospital assistance, TB and leprosy control, community health and drugs. There are about 650 staff, 150 or so of these are ex-pats from a wide variety of countries.

The projects bid for money from the major aid agencies and government programmes (e.g. the EU). Because the the staff are separately funded by their home churches (and work for a local salary of about $60/month) rather than funded by the projects it means that far less money is lost in administration and so more is spent on the Nepali people. In fact their efficiency helps them to win funding.

I think INF is brill because it really delivers the goods.

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