This is the Message Centre for cupati

I'm back!

Post 1


smiley - tardis

Nuff said.

I'm back!

Post 2


Welcome back! Good to see you.smiley - cheers How was the real world?

I'm back!

Post 3


Did you have a nice time?

I'm back!

Post 4


I was away from the internet, so I did not have a nice time. smiley - winkeye However, I am now at Uni, and I have retreated into the computer room due to failing to manage to attach my laptop to the network [I'll try again later]. I've paid my money for it, can't take my choice as the cable doesn't seem to work.

I'm back!

Post 5


Ah well, I'm sure you'll get it sorted.

I'm back!

Post 6


Whoever knew there was a wrong way to plug a cable in? smiley - winkeye

Up to complete internet capabilities!

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