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Zonnald Started conversation Sep 19, 1999
Last night I met with some people that I believe to have a great deal
spirituality - not to be confused with religion.
They showed me and allowed me to experience a Pendulum and the effects of
positive and negative energy in objects. First take your ring or
watch and suspend the pendulum (made specifically of lead crystal) and
after a few seconds of focusing on the object the pendulum began to
rotate anti-clockwise. Dallas then placed a medallion which he referred
to as a Lahoski(?) antenna over the object for about 5-10 seconds and
the pendulum was re-applied. It rotated clockwise! I first thought
maybe he used subtle muscle movements, but when I tried I had the
same results!
My first question is have I got the name right. I would want to find
out more about this whole energy thing.
What followed was a discussion on the positive effects of re-aligning of
the energy of objects around us. He told me that his friend has a
mission to re-align all of the money that comes into his possession,
in the hope that by increasing the positive energy of the worlds money
it might actually cause the money to be used in positive ways (not for
warmongering for instance?)
Another issue that was discussed was the quickening (not the Chris Lambert
kinda magic). This is as many native/aboriginal people believe the compaction
of time. This is apparently happening because of the amount of violence
in our world. I don't know what the ramification of this is yet, but
would it not hurt to just start being nice to one another again.
Remember I was just shown a few things and we spoke very informally
about these matters -- so I just wanted to highlight them in some way
then came Doug's letter to tell me about H2G2. (It's a sign!)
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