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bah...not quite so humbug
noivilbo Started conversation Jul 6, 2005
So, I've had linux on my laptop since last summer, and as I'm running out of space in my Windows partition and I'm not really using linux, I decided to get rid of it. Easier said than done.
Well, it seemed straightforward enough at first. I went to Administrative tools and saw how my disk was partitioned. Then I told it to get rid of the partition on which linux was located. It said sure and did it. All well and good, I postponed restarting and went on with whatever it was I was doing. Later that night I turned the computer off and conveniently forgot about it for the next 24 hours.
On turning it on again, all I got was grub and a list of commands. I told it to "boot", it told me to go to hell in so many words. Not daunted that easily, I tried a few other commands, with similar result. Great.
Now I have been trying to reinstall Windows from a cd, and wondering why it is that I love playing with things I don't understand.
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bah...not quite so humbug
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