A Conversation for Hip-Hop Music

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 1


Entry: Hip-Hop Music - A166457
Author: Cryptic - U14559

Firstly regarding your comments on Ruff Ryders it is accurate with the exception of the Lox/D Block and Jin who are lyrical geniuses.

also the four "good artists you listed only 2 are actually any good, ice cube and NWA, Dre is a terrible rapper (which is why he doent bring out many albums) although an amazing producer (as demonstrated by the inexplicable success of 50pence)

A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 2


Really sorry noone seems to have replied hiphop smiley - sadface

Nice start for an Entry, a trifle thin though, perhaps just a skeleton. If you're still about any chance of fleshing it out alittle more, give a few more examples, some history etc.?


A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 3


This entry has been submitted by someone other than the author - it shouldn't really be in the EG Writing Workshop.

Alex smiley - smiley

A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 4


Flea market or back to entry?

A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think Back to Entry for this one smiley - ok

A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 6


Agreed smiley - ok

A166457 - Hip-Hop Music

Post 7


Thirdedsmiley - ok


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