This is the Message Centre for Dan Morgan

Hi Anna

Post 1

Pond Girl

Tis Pondgirl.

Do you mind if I add you to my friends list??smiley - ok

PG smiley - bluefish

Hi Anna

Post 2

Dan Morgan

Hi Pond Girl smiley - smiley

Go right ahead! I am at work at the moment smiley - sadface so I'll talk to you later.

Have a nice day!

Hi Anna

Post 3

Dan Morgan

Hi Pond Girl,

Well, got in a bit of a muddle at first smiley - doh due to joining on PoV MB, but that all seems OK now smiley - smiley. Back from work and time for a glass of smiley - bubbly.

smiley - ta for the welcome and now I will see if these smilies work smiley - biggrin

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