This is the Message Centre for Dan Morgan
Finding my Feet
Dan Morgan Started conversation Jun 14, 2005
Phew! About 4 days on into being a Member of h2g2 - funny thing is - I thought I was here, but I wasn't really! I created a membership in another DNA site which meant I couldn't add journal entries. However, those nice ACES soon rescued me (how they knew I was lost and stranded when even I didn't know I was lost and stranded Heaven knows!) and here I am, a fully fledged member of this community.
I've met some people I've had contact with from other BBC MBs and had a few interesting conversations and played some silly word games, and have got two friends on my list! So all in all, Yes, I like it here
Finding my Feet
BDG Posted Jun 15, 2005
Morning 2
Yes thank goodness for the ACE's, Guru's and .
I've yet to write my journal but will do so soon
Have a good day. See you later.
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Finding my Feet
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