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msmonsy Started conversation Dec 29, 1999
hello there just wandering about the halls while attempting to get woke up enough to get ready for work and thought i would drop in to say hello
POZ Posted Dec 29, 1999
Go back to bed.
No one will miss you at work today ( or am I talking out of my hat? )
msmonsy Posted Dec 29, 1999
if only it were that easy
unfortunately i am the backbone of the office and if i am not there everything comes to a grinding halt
ugghhh!!!! why me???
ahhh, that's ok though, i get friday off to make up for it
POZ Posted Dec 29, 1999
If there is no rest for the wicked, I presume you must be a little bit naughty, having limited rest at pre-determined times
POZ Posted Dec 29, 1999
It's either:
a) President of Zaire
b) Part of a Zebra
c) A childhood nickname I never grew out of.
You decide
POZ Posted Dec 29, 1999
Nice guess, but I am in fact
a rather messy part of a zebra
At least that's the way I've been feeling
recently after a few too many
seasonal celebrations
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