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Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 1

World Service Memoryshare team

Dominic has got chicken pox. The poor thing is not looking his best. The spots came out on Easter Sunday and he's been steadily looking more afflicted as the days go by. 'Itch' is one of his new words and he's getting very grumpy (well, you would, wouldn't you?)

smiley - illsmiley - nurse


Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 2


I got here by lurking. So now, in order to try and be helpful, it ends up being really obvious that I was lurking. I hope the lurkee (who can probably guess how I got here smiley - winkeye) isn't too cross. smiley - erm It wouldn't have been obvious if I had actually attached all italics as friends as I originally intended. Except that seemed too pushy so I just attached the ones who seemed to be running the volunteer groups I'd joined in case I missed anything which I needed to know. Anyhow, having de-lurked in public view, I'd better get on with some useful content.

Have you tried bicarbonate of soda in cold water on a flannel or soft cloth or even as a bath if the chicken-pox gets too bad? Also, one of the small children I'm helping to raise was unfortunate enough to get spots inside her mouth - leading her to be convinced she was choking. An iced lolly or popsicle worked well there.

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 3

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Don't let him scratch! I had chickenpox on holiday in Devon when I was six or so and it was awful. However, it's unlikely he'll have to go through this more than once, at least. smiley - smiley

smiley - hugsmiley - cake

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 4


My younger brother didn't manage to not scratch. As a result he is covered with permanent little pock-marks. smiley - sadface I don't think he was ever planning to be a supermodel though. smiley - winkeye

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 5

World Service Memoryshare team

Good to see you here, SEF, and thanks for the tips. Baths aren't a pleasant experience at the moment as he's refusing to go in and is clinging limpet-like onto us as we try to put him in. I'll get some popsicles on the way home!

smiley - smiley


Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 6

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Whoami,

It's so hard for him not to scratch. I keep catching him rubbing his back on things and messing up his hair. It's even worse at night!

smiley - erm


Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 7


While I don't think they would really work as well as bicarb, if he has a fondness for baby wipes and the like it might distract him to wrap them (himself) on his arms. You could even put them in the fridge to chill a bit first if they are the moist kind. After all, this is more about placebo effect or vaguely treating symptoms rather than curing the disease. smiley - winkeye Most children seem to be hot cross whatevers with chickenpox. The ones who are willing to be zombies for a while in front of a favourite cartoon are actually easier to handle. I had heard of people putting mittens and hoods on children for night time. I remain unconvinced that they wouldn't just take them off to scratch. smiley - erm

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 8

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I was made to scratch my head - which is fine until I go bald, at which point the scarring should have dulled down a bit smiley - winkeye

Whoami? smiley - cake

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 9

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

As for the night - trim nails and hope. Rubbing isn't nearly as bad as scratching, I hope...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 10


Just be thankful he's got it early. The earlier you get it, the less bad it is, or so i hear. Having it in your teens is meant to be terrible!


Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 11


...and also dangerous in ways which might bother some people... smiley - yikes

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 12

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

My dad taped my mittens on. Duct tape. No scratching for me. Just lots of writhing and moaning in the bed, I think. And lots of ice cream.

smiley - winkeye

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 13

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Anna, I did a little research and in America they have a vaccine. However, IMHO and in that of some reporters, it's better to have the chickenpox and get it over and done with in the vast majority of cases.

I reckon you've got just over a week's more chickenpox to go! smiley - smileysmiley - cake

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 14

Lifson Kofie

My brother and I only had it for less than a week!!! For some reason it didn't bother me that much, but my brother hated it!!!

My Mum just kept us at home and offered us chocolate incentives not to scratch. Then again - that only worked while she was in the room!!! smiley - biggrin

Here's hoping the little man gets better soon! smiley - doctor

Chicken Pox Bleurgh

Post 15

World Service Memoryshare team

Thanks everyone for all the advice. Dom's much better now and is back at nursery smiley - biggrin


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