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Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 1

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I submitted an article entitled "The Failure of Christianity to Stand Up to Reason" long ago, which can be found here:

Anyway, I didn't really expect it to be accepted, because of its controversial nature, but I thought I'd try anyway. One glorious day, I noticed something odd about the way it appears on my homepage... the "submitted" thing is no longer there, which I expected to mean it was rejected. I have no rejection letter to confirm this, however. The really unsettling thing, though, is that I also no longer have the rights to edit it. I thought that this might mean that an edit was in progress, so I let it go for a while; after all, it is a rather long article. I think two months is a bit long for an edit, which is how long it has been since I first noticed it in this state. So what's going on? Is this just a technical glitch? Is the article caught in editorial limbo? If it is to be rejected, can I at least be informed, and have editorial rights restored?

Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 2

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi GargleBlaster,

You're right, the entry is in technical limbo. It was considered to be an extremely interesting, but slightly problematic entry, which is probably why it's taken such a long time for a response to reach you. However, with this reminder, you should be getting one soon, and therefore your editing rights will be restored.


Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 3

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Thanks. As I said, I wouldn't be offended if it were rejected outright (wouldn't be my first, after all), but I have this thing about control. smiley - winkeye

Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 4

World Service Memoryshare team

Fair enough smiley - smiley


Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 5


I have also recently submitted an entry for approval:
...and I have heard nothing back - not even an automated email to say that my submission has been recieved and should be dealt with in x days / weeks / months.

BTW, what is the average time 'til a submission is dealt with - either approved or submitted?

Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 6

World Service Memoryshare team

Hi there Natalie,

I just read your entry on MS with great interest. This is a sure candidate for the approved guide smiley - smiley Somebody will get round to looking at it eventually. Currently we don't have the capability to send you an email saying 'hey, we're looking at your entry', but usually, the waiting time is around 10 weeks, or so. We're hoping that this time will reduce drastically, though.

Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 7


Oh. smiley - sadface

That is a pity. An automated reply shouldn't be that difficult to get set up, technically... smiley - winkeye

I await the ten weeks (or so) with baited breath... smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish

Can you tell me what has happened to my article?

Post 8



I have now un-submitted it to work on it some more (as we discussed today)...

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