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i wonder

Post 1


how many journal entries are we allowed to have???
which is better, aol instant messenger or icq?
which is better, hotmail or yahoo?
how many ppl read this?
how many people know what terms like ppl and lol and roflol mean?
who is cuter, me or u?
what does a monkey do in its free time?
what is a flying llama?
when will english teachers realize you dont have to analyze a book to enjoy it?
where is the center of the universe? wait i know the answer to that one...
lets try another one...where is all my money really go when i put it into a bank?
i thnk that is enuf questions for today.

i wonder

Post 2

what you know as km

Infinite journal entries.
Instant Messenger.
Forty-five so far, but at least ten of them are you, most likely.
2,706,003 people know what "ppl" is, 8,995,402 people know what "lol" is and 908,457 people know what "roflol" means. yeah, probably me.
The same thing it does when it's busy.
It is, in layman's terms, a llama which flies.
They know that. There's a difference between analysing it and enjoying it; English teachers know what it is, but they favour analysing.
There is no center, because the Universe is infinite. Closest thing to that answer I can give you is that we're 30,000 lightyears from galactic central point. (We go round every two hundred million years.)
It goes into the bank. Then it goes out of the bank, to the things which the bank sees fit to invest in. Then the bank makes its profit (banks make overnight investments and instant profit, generally) and puts your money toward making a bit more money for the bank until you decide you'd like to have it back, at which time they give it back to you, with a little extra something to thank you for helping them make so much money with your money.

I think it is, too.

i wonder

Post 3


well thank you very much! i never expected a reply of any sort...
who are you that you must ruin my fun? smiley - winkeye
any way, you were wrong about 4 ppl have visited my site and the rest were me...shows how pityful i am but i find it enjoyable to click the refresh button so many times.

i wonder

Post 4

what you know as km

Nobody really. Just some sort of astoundingly sophisticated entity, apparently, with the amazing ability to be both fourth and forty-fifth at the




I dunno. It impressed me. *shrug*

i wonder

Post 5


I almost replied to this too, but Kristina's is better anyway. smiley - winkeye

i wonder

Post 6


i feel like i am being ganged up on. i wont ever write anything like that again!!!

i wonder

Post 7

what you know as km

Well, shee, if I'd known I was ganging up on you, I'd have brought a club or something. Why exactly do I want to damage you?

I like to have my motivation straight...

i wonder

Post 8


gosh!!! ur violent! who says u have you damage me???

anyways if u need a reminder...its because you feel you have to destroy everything that is better than you so you would be the best thing on earth...therefore eliminating everything but me would make me the best thing on earth...and you...the second best!

i wonder

Post 9

what you know as km

I'll be honest with you, I'm still not convinced we're having the same conversation, so I'm going to go home now.

i wonder

Post 10


are you home?

i wonder

Post 11

what you know as km

I think so.

i wonder

Post 12


that's nice!

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