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Hi and welcome

Post 1


This is way more cool than school...Do they have smileys and fish at school? No way...

Hi and welcome

Post 2


i am afraid the only animals at my school are the monkeys the people call teachers and principle...

Hi and welcome

Post 3


You have monkeys at school?


Our schools were so underfunded, we did without flies in the lunchtime soup for 2 tears...

Hi and welcome

Post 4


Oh man...that must suck! today there was a "pep-rally" thingie i dont understand... Why do people find the need to scream their heads off at these things??? Ouch, my poor head! i got to sit next to someone who decided they wanted to scream sooo much they would lose their voice. ugh.... the only cool thing about it though was the band. i just love music!

Hi and welcome

Post 5


You have monkeys at school???, Do they pay them peanuts?????...smiley - winkeye

Hi and welcome

Post 6


peanuts??? no isnt allowed in the classroom where the monkeys teach...

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