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Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 1


I was listening to the radio this morning, and heard them say "drinking tea in the morning makes you nackered"smiley - yawn. I've not had any tea this morning, and I'll see what happens. In the meantime feel free to discuss it...

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 2


I think its the study wherein the research showed that caffine does not wake one up but simply cures the urges one has after developing a habit of drinking coffee and tea.

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 3


i drink alot of coke and coffee and have done since i was little and due 2 the years of doing so it has now lost any affect it had on me!

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 4


stop doing it then

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 5

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

it's not that simple it gives you killer headaches if you stop drinking caffine ... it's really addictive kinda like smoking

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 6


iv not drunk any coke or fizzy drink for over 2 weeks now

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 7


yeah but you gave up coke for a month before

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 8


iam giving it up permanantly im healthy im stronger than eva and im faster than eva and its cuz of giving up coke,exercising and losing my temper and lifting weights!!!!!smiley - biggrin

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 9


loosing your temper can be an indicator of a level of maturity

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 10


im imature but now im strong enough 2 punch the hel! out of anyone who says i am!!!!!!!!!!how are you mate?

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 11

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

... my carrer dosn't require phisical streangth in anything but my fingers

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 12


im a chef

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 13

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake


Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 14



Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 15


arn't we suppossed to be talking about teasmiley - tea

If your a chef, give us some tips.

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 16


1,u know im a chef
2,tips on what?

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 17

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

on cooking smiley - doh

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 18


What are the best tips on making a demi glace and keeping a burre blanc from seperating? Could you suggest the best wines to commonly ordered entrees?

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 19


I meant tips on making tea.smiley - tea

Something interesting about tea (if that's possible)

Post 20


Tea is good for you. It has antioxidents. Coffee, chocolate, and red wine have them, too.

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