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Don't steal my job

Post 1


Conjuring up stuff is MY job

Don't steal my job

Post 2


I would not steal your thunder! However, can we not conjure collectively? I would enjoy a good conjure session!smiley - smiley Once I conjured up the nerve to respond, I couldnt begin to conjure up an image of what it was that I had conjured originally. So it is complete conjecture on my part that we might conjugate for a thread of some sort. Would that be alright?

Don't steal my job

Post 3

Wood Nymph

What do you specialise in with your sorcery? I always understood Sorcerers to be involved with energies and materialisations rather than carburetors and brake shoes.

Don't steal my job

Post 4


Well, originally I stated that I would hope to "conjure up some humor" but I realized that is best left to the sorcerers so I omitted it from my opening page. I would be lucky to conjure up a cheese sandwich, let alone humor or anything at all really. Seeing as the sorcerer is doing such a wonderous job conjuring (or at least I assume that was the job in reference) theres no need for me to even try. So whats new in your forest, Wood Nymph?

crashed and burned

Post 5


Well, I can see this thread has done a nosedive into the earth. Nice talking with you two. Bye.

crashed and burned

Post 6



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