This is the Message Centre for ironvinnymac

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Post 1


Hi! smiley - boing

Welcome to H2G2. I’m JulesK and I’m an ACE (Assistant Community Editor). I’m here to help if you ever feel a bit lost during your first few days on the site. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone who doessmiley - winkeye

H2G2 has lots of interesting corners, discussion forums, societies and writing workshops, just waiting for you to dive into. The best way to find out what’s here is to do a little exploring. For this you can use the links on your Personal Space, such as Talk, Contribute and Read.

Here is a useful list of links and help pages which you may like to browse through: A559695 (Have a smiley - tea while you do!)

The site is built around the Edited Guide, which is made up of Edited Entries written by fellow researchers about Life, the Universe and Everything. They are called Edited because they’ve been through the Peer Review and Sub-Editing process. It’s advisable to read the Writing Guidelines at A53209 before submitting anything to Peer Review, as folk don’t take too kindly to people filling it up with inappropriate stuff.

There are other writing forums smiley - book, which are listed under Contribute on your Personal Space.

We have a weekly newspaper, smiley - thepost ,which comes out every Thursday. The Post Team are always happy to hear from new writers who’d like to contribute.

You can contact me any time by clicking on my name or pressing ‘reply’. If you do get lost on the site, just press ‘My Space’ to take you back to your own page.

Have a great time and don’t forget your smiley - towel

Jules smiley - smiley

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