A Conversation for palm trees on a blood red sunset

Peer Review: A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 1


Entry: palm trees on a blood red sunset - A4025828
Author: angusrobbie - U840455

i hope you like this one

A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - erm

Firstly, there's nothing in your entry. It says it is one of your poems, but the rest is blank.

Secondly, this is not the right place for poems. This is Peer Review, which is for us to comment on Entries which you want to get into the Edited Guide. They have to conform with the Writing-Guidelines which does not allow for poetry.

The right place to put poetry is in the Alternative Writing Workshop.

A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 3

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Can we see the poem please? I would like to read it if it is going to be a post.smiley - smiley

A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 4


The right place to submit poems, the Alternative Writing Workshop, can be found at Writing-Alternative. From this review forum, entries can get picked for the UnderGuide, for entries that *don't* conform to the writing guidelines. You could also try submitting your poem to <./>ThePost</.>, h2g2's community newspaper, which accepts poetry.

smiley - dragon

A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 5


A Get Writing exile who seems to have dried up. Return to Entry?
Froodsmiley - wizard

A4025828 - palm trees on a blood red sunset

Post 6


Yes, but not yet. We do need to give them two months before shuffling this off.

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