This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Friday Afternoon of the 6th of January 2006

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

12:50 pm Good Afternoon

Our friend Emma has come around in her lunch hour

Sheil and Emma are eating their lunch

My smiley - fullmoon lunch is in the oven and I am talking to a friend on MSN Messenger

Tropical fish swimming smiley - schooloffish

Current Mood: chipper
Current TV: True Movies Channel

Friday Afternoon of the 6th of January 2006

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Our friend Emma has gone back to work now

Sheil is using her laptop and watching TV

I smiley - fullmoon am pottering about online

Tropical fish swimming smiley - schooloffish still

Current Mood: chipper
Current TV: Doctors

Friday Afternoon of the 6th of January 2006

Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

16:36 Dark afternoon...........

Sheil has taken her new mobile phone back to Carphone Wearhouse, Leamington Spa as it was faulty

I smiley - fullmoon am pottering about online and I might go to Scrabble online now

The Tropical smiley - schooloffish fish are swimming and stuff

Current Mood: calm smiley - smiley
Current Sounds: cuckoo clock ticking / me typing / PC Fan

Friday Afternoon of the 6th of January 2006

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is using her laptop and watching TV

I smiley - fullmoon am playing Scrabble online

Tropical fish swimming smiley - schooloffish still

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Sounds: cuckoo smiley - tit clock ticking / me typing / PC Fan / TV

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