This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 21


Im not sure, maybe The southern Belle has a thing for Will. Speaking about will its awfully quiet,any you guys heard from him .

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 22

The southern Belle

Boy you iz sweet wid da come back .
You from the south ,cuz you aint no damm yankee .
Dai the Death, holder of the morticians ball and 'The One'

grow up

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 23

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Oi, shut up. Nah, I don't have his email eh. I was going to email him, but I need to find it first. It might be on that other site, I'll go check

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 24

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

And I was meaning most of the people here by the way, as it appears that most of you are against Will.

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 25


Cheyanne, Will has been banned from H2G2 until Jan, if you didn't know.

Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack

Post 26

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

I am back now but still on pre moderation but the wolf pack has been desolved as it was considered anti social.

Will AKA Lord Wolfden
smiley - fullmoon

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