This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride
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Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
Cheyanne Posted Dec 23, 2005
Im not sure, maybe The southern Belle has a thing for Will. Speaking about will its awfully quiet,any you guys heard from him .
Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
The southern Belle Posted Dec 25, 2005
Boy you iz sweet wid da come back .
You from the south ,cuz you aint no damm yankee .
Dai the Death, holder of the morticians ball and 'The One'
grow up
Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart Posted Dec 28, 2005
Oi, shut up. Nah, I don't have his email eh. I was going to email him, but I need to find it first. It might be on that other site, I'll go check
Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart Posted Dec 28, 2005
And I was meaning most of the people here by the way, as it appears that most of you are against Will.
Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
Whats_ina_name Posted Dec 30, 2005
Cheyanne, Will has been banned from H2G2 until Jan, if you didn't know.
Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Jan 6, 2006
I am back now but still on pre moderation but the wolf pack has been desolved as it was considered anti social.
Will AKA Lord Wolfden
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Lord Wolfden Wolf Pack
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