This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride
Monday 'Afternoon'
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Started conversation Nov 7, 2005
12:02 Good afternoon
Sheil has a head ache so has gone back to bed.
I am pottering about here
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: cookooclock ticking / computer fan / me typing
Monday 'Afternoon'
CaptainCynic Posted Nov 7, 2005
A friend of mine who you will know as The_Doctor_Is_In has left this site for good. He left it because of you and your behaviour. Others are doing the same, as you well know. Your posts are inane, pointless and the work of a child. You disrupt everything you touch, bring havoc where there was order and make good people up and leave.
Dont answer, there is no point - I know what you would write anyway.
You throw back every single offer of assistance that has ever been offered to you, and you have a unique knack of making people hate you.
What a sad, lonely life you must be living if this is your only relief - making people despise you. Still - the good news is that more and more people are ignoring you. Sooner or later, everyone will - and then, where will you be? Sitting at your lonely PC, no-one to listen and no-one who cares.
Just why you continue down this path mystifies me when so many people (my friend included) wanted to help.
Monday 'Afternoon'
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Nov 7, 2005
Sheil is in the kitchen
I am pottering about here
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: cookooclock ticking / computer fan / me typing
Key: Complain about this post
Monday 'Afternoon'
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