This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

I am back.......... smiley - smiley

........... and online........ I had a good week at Skylarks, Nottingham and met some nice fellow guests and nice volunteers and have a few new E Mail contacts. I enjoyed meeting up with my old college friend Simon. I also met up again with two other ex Hereward students who were also guests at Skylarks.

Sheil and Steph have gone to Leamington Spa

Muffin smiley - dog is with my parents.

'Happy Bonfire / Guy Falkes Night'

Will AKA Lord Wolfden

smiley - fullmoon

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

3:36 pm Good Afternoon

Sheil and Steph are back

I am pottering about here

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil went back to bed as has a bad headache.

Steph my stepdaughter is setting up and fiddling with her new mobile phone as her stepbrother broke her old one.

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is sleeping in her bed

Steph is watching TV

I am pottering about here still

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 5

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is up

Steph is watching TV

I am pottering about here still still

Saturday 'Afternoon' 5th of November

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil has gone to the shop and has ordered a Chinese Take Away

Steph is watching TV still

I am pottering about here still still still

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