This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil and Steph are watching DVD's still

Muffin is around still

I am listening to music on my headset still

Current Mood: calm

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is watching 'Most Haunted'smiley - ghost on DVD and has a mug of smiley - coffee coffee

Steph is watching a DVD 'Garfield The Movie' smiley - cat in her room and has a mug smiley - coffee of tea smiley - tea

I pottering about here and still listening to music and have a smiley - coffee mug of tea smiley - tea

Muffin is in our bedroom

Current Mood: calm

Current Music: Rock and Roll 'Bon Jovi'

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 3

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil and Steph are watching Jaws smiley - shark on DVD

Muffin smiley - dog is around still

I am listening to music on my headset still

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil and Steph are watching DVD's the Jaws special features

Muffin smiley - dog is around

I am pottering about here

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 5

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil and Steph are watching MTV

Muffin smiley - dog is around still

I am pottering about here still

smiley - fullmoon

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 6

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil and Steph are watching Most Haunted smiley - ghost on DVD again

Muffin smiley - dog is around still still

I am pottering about here still still and on MSN Messenger

smiley - fullmoon

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 7

The Groob

Muffin smiley - rofl I like it! smiley - smiley

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 8

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


She is a West Highland White Terrier

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 9

The Groob

I thought it would be a smallish dog with a name like 'muffin'.

We have two. One's a staff/collie cross (we think) and the other's a rottweiler crossed with something.

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 10

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

16.09 we did not pick her name kinda rescue dog

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 11

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is watching 'Most Haunted'smiley - ghost on DVD and has a mug of smiley - coffee coffee

Steph is in her room with a mug smiley - coffee of tea smiley - tea

I pottering about here and still listening to music and have a smiley - coffee mug of tea smiley - tea

Muffin smiley - dog is around

Saturday 'Afternoonski'

Post 12

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheil is watching 'Most Haunted' smiley - ghost on DVD

Steph is in her bedroom

I am pottering about here and still listening to music still

Muffin smiley - dog is around still

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