This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

Monday 'morning'

Post 1

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

9:57 am

I was up and on my PC by 9 a.m. done all E Mailing and MSN/Yahoo Group posts. Having a mug of tea and had a yogurt. Sheil is watching TV. Muffin is around.

Monday 'morning'

Post 2

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Sheils watching CSI Season 2 on DVD

Muffin smiley - dog is around.

I am just pottering about here.

Monday 'morning'

Post 3


Hi Wolfie
I'm sitting here at work nursing a monstrous hangover.
Went to three birthday celebrations over the w/end and I am paying the price right now. Everythings too bright and my face feels numb.
All my own fault so I'm not expecting any sympathy (and not getting any either)
Speak to you soon.smiley - smiley

Monday 'morning'

Post 4

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride


Please call me Will.

No sympathy from me, it was your choise to get a skinfull or not.smiley - winkeye


Sheils still watching CSI

Muffin smiley - dog in her livingroom paw print mini sofa

I am still pottering about here

smiley - fullmoon

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