This is the Message Centre for Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride
Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Started conversation Sep 30, 2005
..........we are waiting in for Tesco who are coming between eleven a.m. and one p.m..
Have to drop seat custion covers off at Wheelchair Services and pick up new cover.
Then have to go to Warwick hospital for my monthly traki change at 3 p.m.
Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: TV
Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Sep 30, 2005
Not going to Warwick Hospital now gonna have to rebook that one trying to fit too much in. Sheils taken Muff for a walk.
Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Sep 30, 2005
11.15 Sheils watching CSI Season 2 on DVD. Muffins shut in Stephs room as barking like crazy and totally uncontrolable aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Sep 30, 2005
11.23 Tesco have just been Sheils putting shopping away 'hate it cos I can't help her as much as I want to '
Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride Posted Sep 30, 2005
11:26 am Skylarks
rang Vitilise Booking office about my concirns about nursing while staying at Skylarks lady said she will ring head of care and asked them to ring me so we can have a chat about it. They have not rung back as yet.
11:24 am Mask
also rang Papworth as my nippy mask is driving Sheil and I nuts 'sleep patterns are screwed' well they are sending me different one to try.
Sheils gone back to bed. Dogs in the dog house
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Friday 30th of September 'morning' the weekend starts here.......
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