This is the Message Centre for CBAgain

Good evening

Post 1


Let me be the first to welcome you to H2G2...I'm pretty new to this myself but I'm already hooked. Have a look round and visit my page if you want...but there aint a right lot on it at the mo...catch ya later.smiley - smiley

Good evening/morning

Post 2


It's good to see that you are feeling at home now in here smiley - winkeye

Good evening/morning

Post 3


Classical music huh smiley - smileyWe must have a chat about that sometime smiley - smiley
Why don't you use the info in this forum as your opening salvo on your homepage,then everyone will know who you are....and go to Vegiman's page and get the *who's on h2g2 now* link so that you can see who is about and visit them....if you do,you will be rewarded with a lot more posts~~~~~~hope you don't mind the advice smiley - smileyjust keeping an eye on you LOL
shazz smiley - winkeye

Good evening/morning

Post 4


oh,BTW,you can always *page* me direct from my link on my homepage smiley - winkeye

Good evening/morning

Post 5


Hi, Thanks for the welcome, could you clarify this statment for me, Why don't you use the info in this forum as your opening salvo on your homepage, then everyone will know who you are.(ie method)

Also, is this posting appearing on your page???


I'm no classical buff, but I have a nice cd collection and I attend about a dozen concerts a year, which includes the Welsh Proms, in Cardiff. smiley - smiley

Good evening/morning

Post 6


Hi again smiley - smiley).....well,where you have typed a nice little intro to yourself is rather *buried* in a forum....and if no-one visits and posts a message,it will get *lost*!The info would be better as your welcome on your do this by clicking on the *edit this page* button on the left of your page....under the h2g2 logo....this would all be much easier to explain in person..LOL...start simply by just typing what you want to say.....then you can *get clever* and tie into some *gifs*(like I have).....or other people's pages.....I think that there is an entry in the guide which will give you help on this smiley - smileyI can see that you have replied to my posting,but cannot actually *read it* on my page...I have to visit your site here to read it smiley - bigeyes

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