This is the Message Centre for Hungry Joe


Post 1

The Fashion Police

Don't worry, I'm nearly new, but I met cool friend's, like Et Cetera is now lisa, and James 007. Were all one happy Family here, except me, I'm the Uncle who never get invited to any of the get togethers.


P.s Would you like to join the Independent Republic Of Bodmin, in are bid to take over the world?

Ha Ha

Post 2


Ha Ha MR T.F.P. I've already joined in school.
And some planes e.g
Who's this glorious Lisa bloke, please tell all!!

Ha Ha

Post 3

The Fashion Police

it's not what you thing infact she's my icon, see's got a great page, and is really....well, quite.....well not at all funny, but she and madmonk know just about everything really.

Ha Ha

Post 4

The Fashion Police

ok Micz you asked for it, now you're gonna get it , you punk
smiley - winkeye

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