This is the Message Centre for Effers;England.


Post 1


Went to the pub. No-one there hardly. Had half a cider.

Went to the shop.

After about a year of getting to know the new guys in my local shop...slowly. Tonight I discovered the ones on late I love especially are all Kurds from Northern Iraq from a village Saddam gassed.

I didn't enquire more. It's taken a year to get to know them.

But I'm smiley - cry obviously.

They have struck me since arriving in the shop as the most lovely friendly men. Very female somehow in their masculinity, and always so humorous and jokey. Always so nice to me. Easily my favourites there.

I am extremely choked.

I didn't dare ask any detail and won't.

Not everything was wrong about that Iraq War then. I told all of them that we Brits are their side...It was very emotional...but they looked pleased...

But to be honest I really didn't know what to say...


Post 2


Those Kurdish men, well I didn't know they were all Kurdish on late, until tonight, stood out to me the moment they started working at the shop about a year ago. There is one very special...but all of them have a certain quality.

They are very warm, jokey and somehow very easy for me as an emotional person/woman, to relate to.

It feels 100% natural and easy with them. they seem so confident in their own identities and masculity..they can flirt without it seeming like they are hitting on you. Just pure playfullness.

I can't explain it properly.

But to think what they may have suffered.

I'd die for them. I love them so much.

I'm proud to live in a country that admits people like that. I'm not going to ask anymore about it...


Post 3


Actually thinking about's me flirting with's like they respect WOMAN totally.

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