This is the Message Centre for Effers;England.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 1


I have this ridiculous ludicrous idea that this site might become something really special.

People could really front up and talk to one another...close full on, but 'loving' underneath despite the frustrations.

A bit like what I experienced from several years of psychotherapy with a brilliant woman.

That honest communication started to feel the most natural thing in the world.

It was truly liberating.

Its the best thing in the world to truly meet others.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 2


I still think h2g2 could be brilliant.

A lot of people at present here are quite hostile.

But that's the point...I don't compromise.

Seriously if this site is to really EXPAND and become much more 'friendly' to women, people from all kinds of cultural backgrounds, lesbians smiley - laugh (I like them smiley - winkeye)...and whatever it will be a fight...

I'm in for that fight if the authorities here will let me.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 3


yes and people with all sorts of disabilities that want to speak out in a positive way...older people..

yes I get angry. Excluded people need to feel they can belong here.

I want to belong and feel safe.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 4


"A lot of people at present here are quite hostile."

I certainly agree.smiley - sadface

I do think that h2g2 is something special, but it is the Guide which is the special thing. The rest of it is pretty tiresomely ordinary internet shouting and navel gazing. That's not to say that shouting and navel gazing isn't worthwhile -- it just isn't very special or different from a million other (fan)sites.

On the subject of not-a-fansite . . .

I finally managed to get away from the sick kid and donate blood on Thursday (three days late). The first thing they do here when you check in is hand you a little folder of stuff with your card paperclipped to it along with a deli counter number -- "now serving number 712!". Amusingly (or not) my number on Thursday was 42.

I took a picture of it.

I won't be submitting my photo of that square bit of cardboard to the latest not-a-fansite Create project because -- any fanboy aspects aside -- it is absolutely uncreative and devoid of meaning to anyone not a devout fan.

I think I may be being more creative by taking the photo and then *not* submitting it.smiley - smiley

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 5


yes the Guide is special...but so is the fact you can't really separate them on one level.

As everything here is 'writing'...and who comes here and starts to feel able to communicate in the community may then want to write for the guide. A bit like as a kid at leran to read and write and be part of school...and then your ambitions widen and increase because you feel good and safe in that school.

(I hadn't heard the term fansite until recent stuff here. I'm realising how naive I am..but then I'm a 'London type' smiley - winkeye and I don't even use a mobile smiley - yikes

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 6


That 'not photo' is well good as we London types say.

Except the composition could be tweaked in 'not photoshop' smiley - winkeye

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 7


Actually, the not-colour-curves are a little off as well.smiley - smiley

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 8


Have a lovely day out with your daughter.

It's wonderfully frosty and cold here.

Just going outside into the garden raises my spirits. I will probably sleep out in the tent tonight.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 9


h2g2 seems to be working again.

You might have seen my 'Gassed' journal. I am incredibly overcome to do with that...and can't bring myself to read other stuff here at present.

Those men are just so very lovely.

Maybe its a bit like you felt when you found out about Chris' death.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 10


That's exactly what I thought of when I read about your Kurdish friends. Of course, I'm sure their loss is so much greater. Chris had a tremendously full life and did so much for so many. Fifty years is a far longer life than so many live, and she filled it to the brim.

Your friends probably have tremendously huge holes in their lives.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 11


I won't be rushing to invite those Kurdish men here smiley - winkeye

I'm even too scared to read the lesbian thread since I left that a few hours ago.

Maybe tomorrow...

(And to be a bit cheekily literal, you won't find me complaining if a few more lesbians join smiley - winkeye

I'd love that in all sorts of ways smiley - biggrin).

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 12


I just had a look at that Lesbian thread. My advise is don't go back except to silently unsubscribe.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 13


Hey thanks smiley - ok I'm feeling incredibly raw and sensitive.

I'll maybe take a look at it tomorrow after a few vodka shots.

The crystalline garden beckons and the tent.

(Seriously how can that lesbian thread get unpleasant? Maybe I'll start a Kurdish thread for lesbians that can be playfull and friendly like those lovely men up the shop.

I don't get THIS PLACE....

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 14


Have you thought of recommending this place to anyone?

I know you also live in a very vibrant and multi cultural place.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 15


Not really. I'm a little to embarrassed to admit that I'm involved in a fan site.

I'm pretty proud of some of my writing for Guide Entries but I have only very, very rarely recommended any of them to anyone in real life (the fan site thing).

And I certainly wouldn't recommend it for the conversations: there aren't a whole lot of British people in my circle, so there's not a whole lot for them here.

The people I know are either already *very* connected online or complete luddites. The connected don't need hootoo and the luddites wouldn't know what to do with it.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 16


Oh. When we were at the Art Gallery today, I decided to store my backpack in locker #42. The handle fell off when I grabbed it. The latch was broken off and lying inside the locker. I took a picture.smiley - laugh

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 17


smiley - rofl


I thought I might go down to no. 42 in my street and do something wacky outside their house and try to catch it on camera in some way...


Ridiculous fantasy

Post 18


Oh god I keep noticing more and more posts are mounting on the Lesbian thread.

I am tempted...

Is there any sex on it?

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 19


No. No sex. There was some musing (was it Kea?) about why there are so many out gay and bi men on hootoo but hardly any out lesbians. I couldn't help but think I might have an inkling of the reason.

Ridiculous fantasy

Post 20


Oh crikey smiley - drool

But it sounds encouraging...trouble is if I go there the gay boys will smash me up. (One thing I liked about Hoo...he fronted up about a certain type of gay man with a loathing for simply can't imagine the depths of their hatred...some of them. It always amuses me when Lesbians are described as the 'man haters' never hear about the other side of the coin.

Well you do. My mates will happily discuss this stuff *honestly*. But here it'll probably be yikesed or it'll mean a nasty little gang will then have it in for you...

Yes I want to get back to the lesbianism tomorrow...but not tonight.

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