This is the Message Centre for Effers;England.


Post 1


I finally discovered why it was that so many posts in my journals were yikesed at the end of old h2g2.

Any person with nothing better to do would lurk the info page. No wonder it kept getting mentioned of late since all the upheaval.

My view of Journals are that yes, they are PUBLIC..but you *trust* your COMMUNITY to respect them and people's spaces. You don't RULES and personal messaging, blocks and god knows what.

You build talk through things and if people keep being anti-social you trust the administrators of the site to take action.

I've had action taken against me on 4 occasions since new h2g2 they most certainly have the balls to take action if they so choose.

Now *I* know about this INFO will entirely change my attitude to journals.


Post 2


It will also account for the fact that about 90% of the time I come eyes already on.

Now I know the reason it's a bloody relief.


Post 3


where's the info page?smiley - erm


Post 4



Mr603 told me where it was. He had mentioned it..and a few people mentioned of late in a way I didn't feel comfortable person in particular.

I finally checked it out earlier and was shocked to see 'journals' on it.

It goes entirely against my idea of community to have a thing like that with *personal* stuff on it.

Fine for entries and all kinds of general's a great idea..but NOT personal stuff...and why the hell did only *some people* here know about such a thing?

smiley - steam


Post 5


Yeah, I think I remember that from way back. I've always assumed that there would be nefarious persons lurking, so I've been very protective of my anonymity online. Gradually I've opened up a little, but even now I've only met one hootooer in real life, and that was on neutral territory (a saloon) in a near-ghost town in an arid part of the interior of British Columbia. I actually walked through the doors and said to the barmaid "I'm here to meet someone and I don't know his name."smiley - laugh

I've never even met Jaz'd, who seems the most harmless of fellows and lives just a few blocks away.smiley - erm

And, to be honest, apart from a very few here, I don't think I would really get along with hootooers in real life. I don't get along with very many of them online (although I may not show it).

I'm trying to spend less and less time online because I find it to be a horrible waste of time and a life-force sucker.


Post 6


It's actually quite sad because now I know why so many talk about email or contacting via some PMing thing.

As you may have noticed smiley - winkeye I'm a bit of a loud mouth...and really if I think about it, the info page doesn't make a lot of difference. I'm well aware of lurkers here. I lurk myself sometimes. But there is something particularly unpleasant in my opinion in having a 'community' structured with that info page...also the way some talk about it of late.

Yes voyeurism is a human characteristic..but to talk about it in a certain way is really horrible.

I think we'd be fine in real short bursts.

It's not all to do with getting on for me though. It's interesting people...that intrigue me because of *difference*.

I'm not finding it a waste of time...well whatever that really means. I suppose all the time I am *learning* stuff that interests me it isn't a waste of time.

As for life force sucker...I have too much..I need a bit sucked out smiley - winkeye

But still I'm pleased I finally saw the bloody info page..and why Pastey can't remove the bit that shows up Journals I don't know...or why he can't cure the 'eyes' problem on PS.

smiley - shrug


Post 7


Even Facebook has facilities for private messaging.smiley - erm

I expect that the journal issue is deep in the DNA code: from the beginning journal entries have been seen by the machine as entries rather than conversation postings, I suspect. To pull them out and put them into a new class would be an Herculean task, even for the Divine Pastey.smiley - winkeye


Post 8


I dozed for an hour.

I come here at 3.45am GMT...the eyes are on. It's bloody sick.

I tell you 9/10, 24 hours a day because my sleeping pattern is poor..those eyes are on.

Do some people really not have a life? And I thought mine was in a bad way.

(Anyway its mainly to do with the way certain people have spoken about that info page of late).


Post 9


And life is the life force sucker.

I'll email you tomorrow though.

I want to break the habit of being so candid on this place.


Post 10


I thought there was something about a bug with the eyes that made them stay on for all sorts of reasons, including searchbots hitting pages, not just because somebody was looking at you. Also, don't they stay on if you're logged on? And since the change aren't we basically logged on as long as we haven't cleared our cookies?smiley - erm


Post 11



I always sign out. I have that habit with all sites..something a bit neurotic maybe.

But of course when I'm here I notice other people frequently don't have the eyes on. If it was mostly bots it would be a general thing. Plus if it was cookies they would always be on. When I come here sometimes they aren't on.

I'm fairly sure mods watch me a lot..and I've a pretty good idea who they all are now. I have big respect for those who front up about it and have it on their tags..but not all of them do. And you don't have to be a genius to work it out.

I don't think I'm much liked by the Yanks smiley - winkeye


Post 12


I've made a query about the eyes: F19585?thread=8287071&post=110505064#p110505064

Aren't the miss listed somewhere? I can't keep track anymore. I'm going to go read a book.smiley - wah


Post 13


07.79 GMT Eyes were on.

(The eyes are triggered anytime someone hits on your PS. So someone can easily keep a window open on your PS..if they want to watch what you do.

Obviously if the 'eye' problem was sorted whoever these halfwit(s) are without a life...would still be doing it...but you wouldn't feel so oppressed by these lurkers.

It is yet another aspect of the way this place is structured that I find 'anti community' like I would enjoy and want.

I find it incredible that Pastey smiley - hero can't cure it. Also why the hell don't they get rid of the Info page?

All these things create a sense of a certain regime mentality here.

You went to read a book?

Better to go to 'Create' smiley - winkeye

(I'm listening to the radio about all the fall out to do with Europe...big cultural upheaval going on in UK at present to do with our relationship with Euro people...Kind of mirrors stuff here if 'Create" is anything to go by as a cultural thing).

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