This is the Message Centre for Effers;England.


Post 1


She is coming round more and more.

She's just turned up at 1am....the latest/earliest ever.

She now spends time washing here and snoozing a bit.

She is also getting a bit plump.

smiley - snork Wonder what her owners are thinking?

She is coming from the direction of some new people moving into the street which seem more gentrified, and I think she's some sort of pedigree...but she seems to like GoCat...smiley - laugh


Post 2


smiley - cry She hasn't been round once today.

smiley - snork Maybe her owners are getting suspicious and keeping her indoors?


Post 3


She's such a monkey now the way she comes round for midnight snacks.

Yesterday she dared to sit on my lap for the first time. All purrs and wriggling..a tiny bit of relaxation smiley - laugh..nothing like my cat Ivy, who would be asleep and relaxed quickly.

But suddenly it was that unexpected bite from her. She got shouted at very loudly and rushed out the cat flap.

Now she gets quite vigorous strokes from me either the side the head..and a bit of gentle punchy playfullness...She likes it.


Post 4


She just came in at 2.15am and woke me up. This is new.

She's now high maintenance 24/7

A bit like me. smiley - snork


Post 5


Oh god I just went in the kitchen...and she's sleeping there.

This is the first time she is spending the night here.

It feels like cutting the Gordion knot or crossing the Rubicon..

She's becoming *my cat* now. What will her owners think?

(I looked up legal stuff about cats. Apparently you can't really *own* a cat like a dog. They are in a weird position of half wild and half pet). Basically it will be up to Stripey to decide.


Post 6


she's gone.

Not the whole night yet.

I hope she keeps both her owners satisfied. I think she knows which side her bread is buttered upon.

Why have one lot of humans dancing to your every tune? when you can have two?


Post 7


She's spent most of today here...and is now fast asleep in the kitchen.

I only feed her dribs and drabs. She must still get the bulk of her food elsewhere, and then rushes straight back here.

She loves me I know that and the rough stroking she gets and talking.

But I do worry a bit about what her owners might be feeling.


Post 8


She came round three times for breakfast this morning...until smiley - snork until I realised she was rushing in the cat flap because the foxes were chasing her.

It's properly light now, and they've disappeared.

*I* chased her back out..and suggested she spend a bit of time with her other people.

She's gone. And indeed she is still with them most of the time, which is good, and how it should be I think.

But blimey she is a cheeky cutie. smiley - biggrin


Post 9


She went berserk earlier over some mice I have, that rush behind the washing machine.

She couldn't catch them obviously. But hopefully they will now leave and I won't have to do that upsetting thing with a mouse trap.

My own cat Ivy used to sort them out until she got too old..

Once they smell a cat that is actually going to catch and eat them, they usually leave anyway.

Ivy smiley - cry

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