This is the Message Centre for Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I think I should give all my fans a game update

Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

but I dunwanna.
It's too painful.
Another one of Anita's friends died (he was a wolf named Duncus. He wandered out into battle drunk. He didn't make it. Anita is sad.).
Other things are happening. She is upset over a lot of them, with good reason. She has had a young girl (about 14) traveling through space with her. the girl doesn't wanna go home to her home planet which she was kidnapped from because she's gonna have a baby and she doesn't wanna go home. Anita is VERY upset about that, she wants to kill somebody, which is not unusual.
Anita is also going to be dying her fur blood red. But that is not important today.
Anita doesn't feel like letting me write about her anymore, she wants me to go draw instead.

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I think I should give all my fans a game update

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