This is the Message Centre for Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

A felines honor (from rpg-land)

Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Today we went on a very very high risk mission... we almost didn't make it out alive. Our employers tried to kill us...
I was running back to the transport ship when somebody yelled my name and a body hit me. I dropped to the ground and after a moment to collect myself I asked who the person who had fallen on top of me was. A very painfully mumbled "mal...itia..." was the reply in my feline ears. With out any though to my own safety I lifted my companion and took him to the transport ship.
Our emergency medical officer assured my insured savior that he would be okay, but I could already tell that I would never hear his insesent rabmling about the malitia again...
Pete Moss died in my arms. His last words to me were that while everbody else in his life treated him like a loser, I was his friend. And then her left me...
Rest in Peace my friend.
Pete Moss (aka Malitia Boy) died September 4 2000. But I will NEVER forget him...

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A felines honor (from rpg-land)

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