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Earwig'o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Post 1


Here beginneth my first journal entry ~ I've been wondering whether to begin writing a journal for ~ well ~ a little while anyway!smiley - smiley

I went to church this morning & sang in the Music Group, then I went out to lunch! It was very pleasant except for the "background""music" which it doesn't seem possible to escape from these days ~ they even have it in the waiting-room at my local doctors' surgery ~ honestly!
Anyway, for the meal I had hot Caesar Salad for the first course, then chocolate fudge dessert with whipped cream & ice-cream on top. I ate it quickly to disperse the calories.

When I got home, as it was such a beautiful day, I spent some time relaxing in the garden reading in the sunshine ~ oooh it was SUCH an effort I can tell you! I later did a very gentle bit of gardening & a couple of loads of washing as it was such a good drying day.

My son has gone on holiday until Thursday evening, so it would be nice to invite all my cyber friends along to Misty Mansions for a really big party! The sort of party which used to be held in a place called TBU, which usually involved a swimming-pool filled with Bolly, and several tankers parked outside with hoses attached. Oh well ..!

Earwig'o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Post 2


Yes ~ I'm replying to myself! But believe it or not I haven't quite figured out how to BEGIN a new journal day! Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction??!! Thanks!smiley - smiley

I forgot to mention yesterday ~ at church during the "coffee & chat" time after the service which is always very pleasant, I had the added pleasure of meeting & chatting to the most gorgeous little 14-month-old grandson of friends of mine, who was visiting with his parents. He'd slept through most of the service in his mummy's arms, clasping his cuddly yellow & orange toy duck. C U T E or what??! I absolutely adore babies & tiny tots, & the little boy seemed quite happy sitting on my lap listening to what I was saying ~ I had to sit down as he was so heavy!

It's now Monday morning ~ a Bank Holiday ~ which I shall probably be spending on my own, but I don't mind. It's beautifully sunny, & I shall enjoy doing just what I like, when I like ~ or even NOT doing!
I have Classic fm on ~ books to read, a nice chair out ready in the sunshine ~ so there we are!smiley - smiley

Earwig'o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Post 3


Just heard Benjamin Britten's "Playful Pizzicato" (?sp!) and parts of it sound amazingly like "Barwick Green" ~ I wonder which came first!

Before that was Brahms' Violin Concerto, parts of which sounded like "Don't Cry for me, Argentina", from Evita. (How does one find all those emoticons???) smiley - smiley

Earwig'o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Post 4

Bex (mustard)

Misty, to start a new journal entry, click on "add a new journal entry" which is at the top of your journals in your Space.

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