This is the Message Centre for H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

dazed and confused

Post 1


Hi all MLers.

I'm still finding my way around here. At the moment I'm feeling pretty lost and bewildered. This will change in the future I hope.

dazed and confused

Post 2


Ohh Susie, I'm feeling lost. I can't find my way round yet I'll have another go tomorrow.

dazed and confused

Post 3

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Linda, Susie, take it slowly, and you'll feel better. I felt totally weird at first too.

Remeber the colour of your 'skin' can make a huge difference too!



dazed and confused

Post 4


Hello, Katy!

My, haven't you embraced the technology! Bless you, dear.

Eilis xx

dazed and confused

Post 5


Oooooh..... you go away for a few days and come back to find that everyone you know is playing a new game that you dont understand.

Can I be on your list too..... I would do it myself but it is all too complicated after a day of being frazzled by sleazyjet!



dazed and confused

Post 6

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Giggles, Eilis!

I have to say, after all our mammoth tussles with our own pooter, I've become rather pig-headed about software getting the better of me....


dazed and confused

Post 7

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi Flutter-by, you're on the list now too.



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